Black-Eyed Beans


The black-eyed pea or black-eyed bean is a legume with a distinct coloured spot on the skin’s surface.

The Black-eyed pea originates from West Africa and has been cultivated in China and India since prehistoric times.

Growing black-eyed peas in the garden is an easy and rewarding task, simple enough for the beginning gardener.

10+ healthy seeds per packet

Black-Eyed Beans Info

  • Botanical Name: Vigna unguiculata
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Other Names: Lobia, Karamani, cowpeas, crowder peas, black-eyed, frijoles or cream peas.
  • Germination: Seeds will need 7-10 days to germinate
  • Days to Maturity: 75
  • Pea Color: Cream Color with Black Eye
  • Pod Color: Green
  • HARVEST: 55 Days

Growing Tip

  • This heat-loving crop should be sown after all danger of frost has passed and the soil is warm.
  • Seeds sown too early will rot before germination. Black-eyed peas are extremely drought tolerant, so excessive watering should be avoided.

Harvesting Black-eyed Beans

    • For fresh use, pick pods as soon as well-filled out with seeds.
    • For dried bean use, harvest about 80 days after the seeds sprout.


  1. Surya Chauhan

    They didn’t grow as tall as I had hoped, and the beans were smaller than I expected. However, the plants were easy to care for and produced a decent amount of beans. I’ll probably try a different variety next time.

  2. Rakesh Singh

    I am so pleased with the black-eyed beans I bought. Lovely heirloom variety with a bountiful harvest.

  3. Pallavi Patel

    an okay purchase but not my favorite.

  4. Kavya Nayak

    These black-eyed beans from mtseeds were a great purchase! Seeds germinated quickly and grew into strong and healthy plants. I was amazed at how many beans each plant produced. The beans were tasty and perfect for soups. Highly recommended!

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