Crackerjack African Marigold Orange


With its impressive size and captivating display, ‘Crackerjack’ marigold, commands attention, making it a standout in any garden.

With its impressive T. erecta lineage, this cultivar boasts enormous double blooms in orange, densely packed, evoking the delightful appearance of puff balls.

This remarkable variety exhibits rounded blooms, each up to four inches wide, creating a striking display on stems that reach two to three feet tall.

20+ seeds per packet.



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Seed  Specifications

Common Name African marigold
Maximum Reachable Height 1.5 to 2 feet
Sunlight Direct Sunlight 6-7 hours
Watering Medium
Soil Well-drained with Neutral PH
Temperature 20 to 35 degrees C
Fertilizer Use dry fertilizer (10-20-10 NPGK)
Growing Difficulty Easy to grow



  1. amit nadda

    These seeds are growing! I put them in pods and growth started in a few days. These are great quality!

  2. Neha

    The flowers are small in size and it is not as it shown on the pictures.

  3. Aradhana Sharma

    I’m still waiting for them to produce flowers. They are about two feet tall now.

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