Himalayan Ridge Gourd


Introducing our exclusive Ridge Gourd (Luffa acutangula) heirloom variety found in the border areas of Nepal and Uttarakhand.

This unique seed produces flavorful and versatile gourds that can thrive in both hilly and plain regions.

Produces long, slender summer vines with shiny green fruit and prominent ridges.

This variety is a hardy and versatile plant that can thrive in both hilly and plain regions, making it ideal for a wide range of growing conditions.

The fruit is 15-17″ long and even in width, with a sweet flavour comparable to zucchini.

10 seeds per packet.

These gourds can grow up to 18″ long and 2″ in diameter, making them perfect for use in a wide range of dishes, from curries and soups to stir-fries and salads.

This heirloom variety is easy to grow and maintain, requiring only well-draining soil, regular watering, and occasional fertilization.

These plants should be grown in areas with full sunlight and can be trained to climb on trellises or other support structures.


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