Montana Cudu Corn Seeds


  • Montana Cudu Corn is a beautiful heirloom variety from US that’s treasured for its phenomenal growth potential and delicious, plump kernels.
  • Each kernel is like a precious jewel, more beautiful than anything you can imagine.
  • It usually reaches maturity within 70-80 days, making it a great choice for those seeking a shorter growing season.
  • Its resilience to pests and diseases makes Montana Cudu Corn a less labor-intensive crop to grow.

Packet contains 10 seeds


Item Description

  • Scientific Name: Zea mays ‘Montana Cudu’
  • Native to: This variety has been specially bred and adapted for the diverse and variable climate conditions of North America, particularly the region around Montana.
  • Type: Annual
  • Colour: The corn kernels have a delightful golden hue when ripe.
  • Seeds Quantity: 8-10 seeds, individually packed
  • Growth time: Varies, generally 70-90 days to harvest
  • Ideal for: Home gardening, small farms, educational projects

Growing Info

Soil: Montana Cudu Corn thrives in well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH (5.8-7.0).

Sunlight: This variety loves the sun. Plant your seeds in a location with full sun exposure for optimal growth.

Planting: Plant the seeds about 1-2 inches deep and 8-12 inches apart. Rows should be spaced about 30-36 inches apart to allow sufficient room for growth.

Germination: The seeds typically germinate in 7-10 days, provided the soil temperature is above 15°C.

Watering: While the plants appreciate consistent moisture, avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. It’s generally best to water deeply once a week, soaking the soil to the root level.

Fertilization: A balanced, slow-release fertilizer at planting time will help promote strong, healthy growth.

Pollination: Corn is wind-pollinated. Plant your seeds in blocks of at least 4 rows rather than a single long row to ensure good pollination and kernel development.

Pests and Diseases: Montana Cudu Corn is resilient, but keep an eye out for common pests like corn earworms and diseases such as corn smut.

Harvesting: Harvest your corn when the tassels turn brown and the kernels are full and milky – typically 70-90 days after planting.

Crop Rotation: To maintain soil health and prevent diseases, avoid planting corn in the same spot for more than two years in a row.


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