Oregano Herb


  • Oregano is known for its hot, spicy flavour, this “pizza herb” is a quick crop from seed.
  • You can grow oregano from seeds in your dedicated herb bed, among the flowers on the border, or on your windowsill.
  • Uses: Culinary, Tea, Medicinal
  • The packet contains  20+ seeds.

Sow the oregano seeds in small pots or trays. Oregano seeds are very fine, the best is to cover the seeds with sieved compost and place the tray in a polythene bag at about 18 Celsius.

Germination can take up to 20 days. Water the pots from the bottom, saucer required, this way the fine oregano seeds will not be disturbed during the germination.

Medicinal plant expert Jim Duke includes it among herbs that may stop bacteria that cause body odour, although you may want to use a commercial product before your big job interview.


  1. Dev Yadav

    I had maybe 10 sprouts come out of this.

  2. Anusha Viswanathan

    Ok, Only 8 out of 22 seeds germinated. The rate of germination is very low. These are still a good value.

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