Zinnia Elegans Red


Zinnia Elegans Red dazzles with its bold, crimson blooms, injecting a burst of passionate color into gardens and bouquets.

An annual that flourishes from June to frost, it delivers relentless waves of vivid red flowers under sunny skies.

Red strains like this emerged from early breeding, with scarlet tones first noted in 1829, gaining popularity for their intensity.

15 seeds per packet.

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Botanical Details of Zinnia Elegans Red

  • Scientific Classification: Zinnia elegans, a member of the Asteraceae family, akin to daisies and sunflowers, known for composite blooms.
  • Natural Range: Originates from Mexico’s dry grasslands and scrublands, adapted to arid environments, now widespread globally as an ornamental.
  • Flower Morphology: Features large, solitary heads with vivid red ray florets encircling a central disc of yellow or red disc florets.
  • Leaf Structure: Bears opposite, lance-shaped leaves, medium green, with a slightly rough surface, typical of the species.
  • Blooming Cycle: Produces flowers from early summer to first frost, with peak vibrancy in warm, sunny conditions.
  • Propagation Method: Grown from seeds sown after frost, germinating in 4-7 days in warm, well-drained soil.
  • Light Demand: Requires full sun (6-8 hours daily) to fuel its robust growth and intense red coloration.
  • Pest Profile: Vulnerable to powdery mildew in humidity, with aphids occasionally present.


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