Wheat Celosia (Celosia Argentea)


Celosia argentea var. spicata, commonly known as Wheat Celosia, is an ornamental flowering plant belonging to the Amaranth family.

It features elongated, feathery, spike-like flowers that have a gradient of pink to reddish hues, resembling wheat heads.

The plant has lush green leaves with a lance-shaped structure, growing in an upright, bushy form.

It thrives in warm climates and blooms from summer to fall, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.

100+ seeds per packet.

Botanical Details

  • Scientific Name: Celosia argentea var. spicata
  • Common Name: Wheat Celosia
  • Family: Amaranthaceae
  • Growth Habit: Upright, bushy annual or short-lived perennial
  • Height: Typically 60-90 cm (2-3 feet)
  • Leaves: Lance-shaped, green, sometimes tinged with red or purple
  • Flowers: Feathery, spike-like, pink to reddish, wheat-like appearance
  • Blooming Season: Summer to fall
  • Sunlight: Full sun (6+ hours of direct light)
  • Soil & Water: Well-drained soil, moderate watering, drought-tolerant


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