Sword Beans


⚔️  Sword Beans pods get up to 30cm long.

⚔️  Sword beans are a short-lived tropical perennial vine that can grow 4-7m high in one season, but they are not invasive.

⚔️  They are primarily used as young green beans in China, India and Sri Lanka.

⚔️  Grown organically, no chems, no nasties, no problems!!!

The packet contains 5 healthy Sword Beans Seeds


Availability: 8 in stock

Sword Beans Info

  • Botanical Name: Canavalia gladiata
  • Other Name: sword bean or scimitar bean
  • Flowering: June to August
  • Days to Germinate: 6-10 days
  • Days to Harvest: Approx. 50-55 days
  • Growth Habit: Pole
  • Sunlight: Full Sun, Partial Shade
  • GMO: No
  • Pollination: Heirloom, Open-Pollinated
  • Planting season: Spring/early summer

Sword Beans Uses

Sword bean is an excellent source of protein, fibre, carbohydrates and fat. Sword bean is one such legume plant that has the potential to become a healthy food source and a solution to the growing food shortage crisis.

The young pods of sword beans are cooked and eaten as a vegetable in many parts of Asia.

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